Hey readers,
Yeah I know it has been a while, so I am thinking a quick general update is in order! It has been a busy few months. When I got back from my amazingly awesome trip to the states, I wasn't well, it took my body a few months to realise it was back in Ireland. I have also been busy dancing, both teaching and performing, both have gone well :)
Social Groups:
Earlier this month I decided to set up a social group for LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, or Questioning) women in Cork and the surrounding areas, who share common interests and want to get to know more women. The idea came from the Dublin based group, Running Amach, through which I joined last year and have made amazing friends and have been made feel very welcome. The group works by event organisers creating events on foot of ideas posed by members in the 'ideas' section of the site. An event is created and members RSVP to the event. The event is hosted by the events organiser and fun is had by all. The groups website also has a discussion board, where members can post discussions. I called the group "Vixen's Rainbow". I felt it was a strong but yet fun name. We had our first meetup at the end of January, dinner at a city centre restaurant, it was yummy and the company was awesome. We met in the Bodega to celebrate international women’s day and get to know other vixens. Nine were in attendance and it was a lovely night.
Dublin has a group of the same nature, Running Amach, it has been a huge success. I joined Running Amach a year ago because I felt very isolated in Cork. During the year I have met some really nice women at really fun events. I spent New Years Eve in Dublin with sixty odd other running amachers and had a ball. That was the kick in the butt I needed to start one in Cork. If you are interested, you can join by searching Vixen's Rainbow on the meetup website.
DJing Gigs:
I will be spinning the tunes in Cork in May at the Cork Womens Fun Weeked on both the Saturday and Sunday night...
Also if you want a dj I am all for doing "recession busting deals". I play a very mixed selection to cater for my audience on that particular night.
I am available for every occasion as well as house parties and parades.
Up Close and Personal;
I have decided that 2011 is the year of magic and it is up to every individual to make that magic happen for them. The year has been good so far; I have taught dance classes in Wicklow, Belfast and Dublin and am about to embark on a new adventure within my career as a professional dancer with a disability. On Friday of this week I start a three week very intensive training in aerial dance. I am a bit apprehensive, a bit scared but yet somewhat excited. I will try to post daily tweets about the experience. So add DJProudMary on your twitter. I am intending to keep a video diary too, but I honestly don’t know how or if it will pan out.
I have been doing a bit of thinking about disability, how it is perceived and how it is understood and whether all of that depends on where you were brought up, as in what part of the country. I was born with a disability but was raised in an able bodied environment surrounded with able bodied people. I also wonder how people with disabilities are seen in different communities. I find the general attitudes of people in relation to disability vary. As mentioned earlier I have started socialising a lot more on the scene in Dublin and that is because I find people on the scene in Dublin are more open to conversation, more open to getting to know regardless of abilities or disabilities. In a way it confuses me, how one can feel so isolated within their own community but yet so included in another only a few hours up the road.
Please feel free to email me on djproudmary@gmail.com